Friday, December 17, 2010


Gantz is an extremely gory, sexual, sci-fi(but also realistic), awesome manga by Hiroya Oku that I've only read the manga so far but really, words can't explain how much I've gotten addicted so quick! I had never wanted to read it before because it's really long, and I keep up with naruto, it makes sense to me. BUT! so this story is about people who die, usually in pretty tragic ways, like being slaughtered by an express subway, Suicide, Shootings, you name it; and after these random people die they are transported to a room. Gantz is the giant black orb that resides in the room, even now most of the game is still a big mystery that the players are always trying to figure out. The people in the room are sent on live or die missions, located still where they live, but no one can see them or the 'aliens' 'monsters' they were sent there to fight, Gantz gives his players and protective and superhuman suit along with T-Guns(Crazy ultra neat futuristic guns) if you die in the fight to stop the aliens you die for good and do not return to the room, if you live and defeat the monster you go back to the room, where you receive points for your killings, and are let free back into the real world. But the catch is you'll keep being brought back. You will live your normal life but until you receive 100 points. Which I can't tell you anymore because that gets to much into the plot and little twists and turns of this manga.

I've never read gory manga before but I have no problem with it I've learned! Gantz is completely interesting and for how long it is everything involved strings along wonderfully, the fight scenes are way better than anything you'd read in Jump! The characters supporting characters are always changing(dying) so you'll never get bored and it really has every aspect to a what a great manga should be like. Plus the chicks are hott.
Grade = A

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