Hana Kimi, or Hanazakari no Kimitachi e is a shojo manga by Hisaya Nakajo. It centers around a girl from america named Mizuki and her love(fan girl love) for a high jumping track star named Sano; but when Mizuki finds out Sano has quit high jumping she decides to go to Japan, start attending his school, and talk him into high jumping again; the catch, he goes to an all boys school where Mizuki has to chop off her hair and live her life as a male to keep up her new persona and win over Sano’s heart, but not without dealing with a few haters, love triangles, and usual shojo/high school cliché’s.
I like the twist that hana kimi has to it, the fact that she is technically a boy in everyone’s eyes is pretty funny to me, and how another one of the male main characters, Shuichi, starts crushing on his guy(supposedly) friend Mizuki and he thinks he’s turning gay and goes through a bunch of teen life crisis’s! sucks buts its pretty cute. This shojo of course is cliché but it’s a lot more creative then other ones, and has a lot more ‘moves’ in it that most shojo’s haha
I’ve watched like the first three episodes of the hana kimi live action drama, but I kinda thought it was lame, the person who played mizuki was a real guy, AND he was a completely average joe guy, not cute at all. My girly side did not approve! Haha
But if I don’t count the drama cuz I just wasn’t feeling it the manga is pretty good(for a shojo).
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